GEL Get Involved

Student leaping in the air

Getting involved in your major is a wonderful way to make friends and establish a greater connection to your coursework and your future as a geologist. 

  • Geology Club at UC Davis
    The Geology Club at UC Davis unites students who are passionate for the geosciences. The Geology Club spreads awareness of the critical role geology plays in our society through firsthand education and exploration of California's diverse and beautiful geological environment with regular events and trips. 
  • AWG | Association for Women Geoscientists UC Davis Student Chapter
    From the National Chapter: "The Association for Women Geoscientists is an international organization devoted to enhancing the quality and level of participation of women in geosciences and to introduce girls and young women to geoscience careers." AWG connects students with each other through their mentoring programs, including the GeoMIns program which pairs underrepresented students with mentors who are committed and trained to support them and their unique needs.
  • AIPG | American Institute of Professional Geologists  UC Davis Student Chapter

    From AIPG: "The AIPG Student Chapter brings together students and practicing geologists to build a broad-based understanding of the profession and a sense of unity and identity with their peers. The Chapter is the link between school and business, which enables each participant to engage in the type of activity necessary for professional development."

  • Friday Lunch Talk 

    All department members are invited to these casual talks on Fridays at noon - with free pizza! Topics include presentations on research as well as departmental and campus resources like getting involved, career preparation, and mental health support.

  • Wednesday Seminar 

    Hear from visiting professionals each Wednesday at 4pm on the latest in geoscience research.